A shy step towards the Gnome desktop environment
A lot of people love Gnome. It hasn’t clicked with me so far, but probably I did not give it a proper chance. It’s time to do that.
A lot of people love Gnome. It hasn’t clicked with me so far, but probably I did not give it a proper chance. It’s time to do that.
The latest versions of php come with big performance improvements. However, a downside is that older code might have unexpected behaviour – as the improvement list is quite long.
For a couple of years now, I have been using Docker for development. It is an amazing tool which highly improves the developer’s job. However, it does not make very good friends with Windows Home, which was the OEM operating…
Nowadays there are quite many tools out there to help the process of developing apps. To easily manage them, I decided to go with a docker-compose approach on a VPS running ubuntu.
In an effort for setting development tools in the most economical way (and also learn stuff about as much as possible), I am now trying to install docker-compose on a fresh Ubuntu 18.04 instance. At the end, an nginx is…
On my development server, while trying to access Jailkit Jail Manager in Webmin, I stumbled upon the error above: “Perl. Can’t locate Config/IniFiles.pm” (and some more details). Obviously, Jailkit was not working.
Using SSH keys is the recommended way of accessing your server, as far as security goes.
The following commands and ideas are useful in creating an Ubuntu hosting server using Virtualmin as a main administration interface.
As a developer, often you are blocked by repetitive tasks that need be done. This is something that can become frustrating, but luckly we have some tools to help. In the following lines we will talk about Jenkins, an automation…
I have recently put in some hours for organizing my two existing droplets – actually combining them into a single one. After a lot of cleanup, backing up and moving stuff – when everything seemed done and they were ready…
Installing ohmyzsh on Ubuntu server, require some specific commands.
I have recently taken more interest into Ubuntu. Though Docker appears to be really useful, I thought that some on server editing would come in useful at some point. Therefore, I did some quick research and afterwards, made some decisions.