WordPress – Disable trash bin
To disable the trash for wordpress, edit your . file and add the following line:
To disable the trash for wordpress, edit your . file and add the following line:
Add the code in this article to your functions.php file to add target=”_blank” to your links.
Commands: Source:
We will try to create a raspberry pi configuration to run (legally) torrents in your network.
This is a nice php proxy, easy to use and understand:
Use the code in this article to remove the dotted outline around a link.
The two attractive translations plugins I have found and like are: After a quick test of both of them, I have chosen the first for my next project,…
These are the steps I followed for setting up my Raspberry Pi 2 model B.
This is a new version of the cedasoft.ro website. We have invested a lot of time not in programming per se, but in structuring the information we want…
Mount drive for the pi user Force unmount Also, make sure that /mnt/usb32 is owned by the user you want be able to make modifications in it. Source:
You can use the function in this file to validate your CNP string.
The following code will convert an object to an array in Javascript, minding the order of the keys.