Virtualmin hosting on Debian 10 Buster
With the come of spring, new OS versions and more knowledge about Linux, I think time has come to make another tutorial about how to setup a small hosting server, mainly for personal usage.
With the come of spring, new OS versions and more knowledge about Linux, I think time has come to make another tutorial about how to setup a small hosting server, mainly for personal usage.
Even as a developer, from time to time you might get confused about the exact steps to take when you what to register a domain and create some hosting for it, with minimal costs.
Any server should have backup setup – first obvious statement. Backups should be located outside the server being backed up – second obvious question.
The following commands and ideas are useful in creating an Ubuntu hosting server using Virtualmin as a main administration interface.
The current article contains resources and ideas on how to setup an Ubuntu 16.04 droplet on Digitalocean, together with Webmin, LAMP – where M might 🙂 stand for MariaDB – and SSL from letsencrypt.