Setting up my new Raspberry Pi
I think the Raspberry Pi’s are a guilty pleasure for many developers. We will use docker and docker-compose to begin setting the Pi up.
I think the Raspberry Pi’s are a guilty pleasure for many developers. We will use docker and docker-compose to begin setting the Pi up.
On my development server, while trying to access Jailkit Jail Manager in Webmin, I stumbled upon the error above: “Perl. Can’t locate Config/IniFiles.pm” (and some more details). Obviously, Jailkit was not working.
The current article contains resources and ideas on how to setup an Ubuntu 16.04 droplet on Digitalocean, together with Webmin, LAMP – where M might 🙂 stand for MariaDB – and SSL from letsencrypt.
On a clasical Linux Ubuntu Server LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP) with Webmin and Virtualmin installed, when creating subdomains, sometimes files and folders ownership issues appear. In WordPress, this is translated into trouble while updating plugins, wordpress itself or even…
The following is a PHP programmer’s Linux beginner guide to setting up a development environment.