Licensing application based on Node.js and React. It manages the activation codes, clients andresellers.
Licensing application based on Node.js and React. It manages the activation codes, clients andresellers.
Parallel execution of a python process using Node.js’s cluster module, in order to simultaneously run OCR on scanned documents. The app can be installed on multiple servers and using a centraldatabase where the jobs are stored, it can run multiple…
Development and implementation of a Web GIS component which consumes a predefined API.
Node.js backend and Jade (Pug) frontend based on JQuery and Twitter Bootstrap for interacting with a NAGIOS server with the purpose of monitoring the status of a network. Where Nagios isn’t available, a PING based service has been implemented.
Use the following code in your script to set the internal php encoding to UTF-8: Also, for mysql and postgres you should take into consideration the following two commands:
The following two lines have been lifesavers for the situation where a picture is properly inserted into the PostgreSQL, but cannot be taken out and displayed, even if the headers and whatever else needed is properly in place.
This proiect uses PHP, Javascript, CSS, HTML and PostgreSQL
As the title specifies, this is a PHP framework, simple enough not use up too much resources and complex enough to cover the needs of a programmer.