ol3 and jsts – feature overlap in layer
The following function will help you check if there is an overlap between a certain feature and a layer. In order to work, the example needs ol3 and the JSTS library loaded.
The following function will help you check if there is an overlap between a certain feature and a layer. In order to work, the example needs ol3 and the JSTS library loaded.
The code below will help you make Twitter’s Boostrap accordion widget as high as the column it is inserted in. It has been tested in version 3.3.4.
politicalcolours.ro has been rewritten using node.js. It is now much faster and also.. online 🙂
mrbunnycooking.com is a cooking blog based on WordPress.
PHP Javascript Proxy acts like a PHP proxy, especially for avoiding JavaScript cross domain issues.
Below we have the code for a jQuery based background slider. No additional CSS or HTML modifications are required. The following slider creates DIV elements automatically and also resizes them to fit the window, together with preloading the necessary images.
The following is a modification of jQuery Swapsie Plugin. The mods applied allow the vertical swap between divs with different heights. Enhancements are required to allow horizontal swapping.
This proiect uses PHP, Javascript, CSS, HTML and PostgreSQL
The project offers open access in a friendly, interactive and visual way to public information regarding the spatial distribution of Romanian data sets referring to political preferences based on uni-nominal districts and 2011 national census data.
This is a website that presents the activity of The Medical Students Society in Bucharest (SSMB), in support for the victims of the Gaza Strip conflict. This project and the positions of the people I interacted with have not taken…
My first personal website