npm whatwg-fetch
The fetch() function is a Promise-based mechanism for programmatically making web requests in the browser.
Tool useful in development that I have found browsing the WWW
The fetch() function is a Promise-based mechanism for programmatically making web requests in the browser.
Aurelia seems like a great javascript front-end framework. As soon as I get some React.js and Angular work done, I will give it a try.
Another interesting editor is: It has a clean look, a lot of plugins and nice Git integration.
Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers.
For easily creating and editing .md files, you can use:
Here is some info from the project’s website: Software projects are displayed by Gource as an animated tree with the root directory of the project at its centre. Directories appear as branches with files as leaves. Developers can be seen…
For a few months I have been using as my main editor.
With megaboilerplate you can choose the type of node project (Node.js, Static site, JS Library, Electron), Express or Meteor, the template system, whether you want built in authentication and more. It’s a nice tool worth trying.
Easy Bootstrap Glyphicon, Font awesome and other libraries icon search.